October 15, 2020

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panels

Panel 7 – Security and Privacy of Patients in Digital Health
Moderation: Beatriz Kestener
(Co-Founder of Kestener, Granja & Vieira Advogados)
LGPD [General Personal Data Protection Act] Overview
Fábio Alonso Vieira (Associate at Kestener, Granja & Vieira Advogados)
Pharmaceutical industry & Digital Health
Fabiana Farah (Associate Director of Legal & Compliance at Produtos Roche Químicos e Farmacêuticos)
The Future of Diagnostic Tests in Face of LGPD [General Personal Data Protection Act]
Roberta Guedes (Consultant)

Panel 8 – Technology Results in Population Health Management
Moderation: Fábio Gonçalves
(Director at Hospital Care)
Telemedicine in Patient Monitoring and Second Opinion Approaches
Caio Soares (Chief Medical Officer at Teladoc Health Brasil)
Artificial Intelligence for Diagnosis in Oncology
Jeane Tsutsui (Business Executive Director at Fleury)
Artificial Intelligence for Assessment of Health Programs in Companies
Sergio Bersan (Superintendent of Health Care at Unimed BH)

Panel 9 – Technological Challenges for Implementing Telemedicine
Moderation: Nancy Abe (Chief Information Officer at Notredame Intermédica)
Why It is So Important for CIO Use a S-RES Certificate for Quality, Security and Interoperability
Renato Sabbatini (professor at UNICAMP, VP HL7 Institute)
Implementation of Telehealth in pandemic times
Mauricio Segobia (I.T. Projects Manager at Operadora Ameplan Saúde)
Telemedicine in UHG Brasil: What We Have Learned in the Last Decade
Tiago Frigini (Medical Manager of Telemedicine at Américas Serviços Médicos)
Security in Telemedicine: a Systematic Review
Jihan Zoghbi (CEO at ABCIS)

Panel 10 – The Leader Role in Digital Health – TALK SHOW
Moderation: Francisco Balestrin
(CEO at CBEXs)
Eduardo Cordioli (Medical Manager of Telemedicine at HIAE)
Chao Lung Wen (professor at USP)
Patrícia Ellen (Economic Development Secretary of the State of São Paulo)

Panel 11 – Digital Health Strategy for Brazil: Governance, Telehealth and Information Management
Moderation: Katia Regina Silva
(Researcher at the Heart Institute of FMUSP (InCor-HCFMUSP) Hospital Complex and Scientific Director at REDCap-Brasil Consortium)
National Guidelines for Telehealth as Strategy Component of Digital Health in Brazil
Adriana da Silva e Souza (Director of the Digital Health Division (DESD/SE/MS)
Strategic Information Management for Decision-Making within the scope of Public Health Policies
Luiz Júpiter (Coordinator of Open Data and Prospective Analysis in Health – CODAPROS/CGGIE/DEMAS/SE/MS)
Digital Health Strategy for Brazil 2020-2028: from Insight to Action Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation
Juliana Pereira de Souza Zinader, General Coordinator of Innovation in Digital Systems (CGISD / DATASUS / MS)

Panel 12 – Telemedicine – Medical Expertises
Moderation: Luiz Eduardo Andreossi (APM)
Hospital Neurological Telemonitoring and in Intensive Care Units Impact and Perspectives
Daniel Santos (Director at SINAPSE)
Telemedicine in Locations with Shortage of Experts
Carlos Pedrotti (Reference-Physician of the Telemedicine Center at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein)
Telemedicine and Artificial intelligence for Acute Cardiac Patients
Gustavo Kuster (CEO Neomed)
Telemedicine Cardiology
Glaucia Oliveira (Cardiologist and professor at UFRJ)

10:35 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. – Brazil-Portugal Forum
Moderation: José Luiz Gomes do Amaral
PENTS: National Strategic Plan for TeleHealth in Portugal: what is it? What are its challenges?
Henrique Martins (Associate Professor in Health Management and Leadership at FCS-UBI and ISCTE-IUL)
Digital Health in Portugal Private Sector: status quo and quo vadis
Micaela Monteiro (Chief Medical Officer for Digital Transformation José de Mello Saúde)
Digital Health Strategy for Brazil together with National Health Data Network (RNDS)
Jacson Barros (DATASUS/MS (BR))

10:35 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. – International Panel 1
Moderation: Rogério Rabelo
Digital Respiratory, electronic inhalers and a new way to manage patients with asthma and COPD
Guilherme Safioti (Sweden)
e-Visits: Urology Care at the Comfort of Your Home
Emmanuel Abara (Canada)
Lessons Learned in the Adoption of Digital Tools into Clinical Practice
Bart Demaerschalk (USA)
Provider training for telemedicine
Judd Hollander – Thomas Jefferson University (USA)

12:15 p.m. to 02:00 p.m. – Break

02:00 p.m. to 04:40 – Hub Connect

02:00 p.m. to 02:20 p.m. – Teladoc Health – LGPD [General Personal Data Protection Act] in digital health: overview
Analluza Dallari (Corporate Legal Counsel)

02:00 p.m. to 02:20 p.m. – ABTMS – Chat with ABTMS
Alexandra Monteiro, Luiz Ary Messina, Gustavo Fraga, Paulo Lopes and Evelyn Eisenstein

02:25 p.m. to 02:45 p.m. – DOC24 – Telemedicine evolution in Brazil: successful implementations and new opportunities
Fernando Ferrari (Director at DOC24 no Brasil)

02:25 p.m. to 02:45 p.m. – APLIMED – Why telemedicine may die: experience of use and technology advancement in Brazil
Dr. Marcos Sonagli (Chief Medical Officer at Amplimed)

02:50 p.m. to 03:20 p.m. – GETCONNECT – 360 degree Telemedicine Telemedicine is not only about videoconference An approach on security, tools and augmented intelligence as support for remote medical service
Marcelo Fanganiello

02:50 p.m. to 03:20 p.m. – APM – Importance of Data Protection in Telemedicine
Sandra Franco (Counsel expert in Health and Antônio Carlos Endrigo, APM)

03:25 p.m. to 04:05 p.m. – CLOUD SAÚDE – The experience of Teleservice Robots in public and private hospitals
Rodrigo Barbosa Esper (Prevent Senior)
Ricardo Tavares de Carvalho (Hospital das Clínicas of São Paulo)

03:25 p.m. to 04:05 p.m. – UNIMED CAMPINAS – Interoperability in TeleMedicine times I Case Unimed Campinas
Lorenzo Tomé (Physician and Consultant at Unimed Campinas)
Antônio Pompílio Júnior (Expert in Information Technology I Unimed Campinas)
Maria Fernanda C. Haddad (Physician and member of the Technical Board at Unimed Campinas)

04:10 p.m. to 04:40 p.m. – TV DOUTOR – How to use communication to leverage your results in telemedicine and digital health times
Ricardo Sonati

04:10 p.m. to 04:40 p.m. – CSANMEK TECNOLOGIA – The insertion of telemedicine in Health Ecosystem. Innovation crossing Frontiers
Cláudio Soares Santana and Andréia Cristina de Souza

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic panels

Panel 1– The Telemedicine, how to improve the life of patients and how to bring them to Hospitals from Public Sector minimizing current costs
Moderation: Paulo Henrique Fraccaro
(superintendent at ABIMO)
Continuous Care: Medicine vision that monitors the patient during treatment and outside hospital
Jarmo Järvenpää (CEO ISTOC)
Tele ICU: Brazil has only about 10% of its municipalities with ICU beds. What we can do to extend coverage
Marco Stefanini (CEO Global Stefanini)
IOMT: How the Medicine of Medical Things can lower the costs for managing patient treatment and monitoring
João Galdino (CEO and Co-Founder of Genesis)

Panel 2 – Domestic and International strategies for investments in Health & Digital Health: challenges and opportunities in the view of investors
Moderation: Rogério Rabelo (CEO at Dalben)
Softbank strategy for investments in Brazil/Latin America and international investments in Health
Felipe Rodrigues Affonso (Director at Softbank Group International)
Velt Partners strategy for domestic investments in Health
Felipe Nobre (Investment Associate at Velt Partners)
Canada government strategy for Investments in Innovation and Digital Health
Marie-Hélène Béland (Canada Deputy Consul and Trade Commissioner)

Panel 3 – How can digital health benefit patient care management?
Moderation: Edson Amaro Jr. (Big Data Analytics Hospital Israelista Albert Einstein)
Technology Impact on Financial Management of the Health System
Henrique Nixon (General Coordination of Information and Operation Systems at CGSIO)
The challenge of transforming data into quality information, keeping patient security and privacy
Edson Amaro Jr (Big Data Analytics HIAE)
How can “Digital Health” Help the Government?
Gustavo Maia (co-founder of Colab)
Regulation x Remote Medicine x Patient Care
Silvio Valente (professor at USP)

Panel 4 – Telemedicine & Digital Health: Experience and View of Health Operators
Moderation: José Luiz Toro Silva (Unidas)
Telemedicine as LOGISTICS Tool for Access and Care in Pandemic Times
Marcos Loreto (Technical Chief Medical Officer at OMINT)
Telemedicine: Major Challenges in Implementation and Expansion
Fernando Pedro (Technical Director at AMIL)
Connected Medicine SulAmerica: How Telemedicine Expands Access, Enables Health Management and ensures Customer Satisfaction
Viviane Mathias (Product Manager Sulamérica)
How Can Telemedicine Help Verticalized Operators Save Lives in Pandemic?
José Luciano Monteiro Cunha (Corporate Officer of Telemedicine at Hapvida)

Panel 5 – Interoperability Challenges and Achievements – Talk Show
Moderation: Antônio Carlos Endrigo

Paulo Salomão (CEO and Founder of DTO)
Fresley Aguilar (Head of Corporate Information Intelligence at Unimed, National Center)

Panel 6 – Digital Innovation in Health: Challenges and Opportunities
Moderation: José Luiz Gomes do Amaral
Innovation in Covid fighting – Einstein Experience
Sidney Klajner (President HIAE SP)
Digital Platforms for Alternative Funding in Science
Antônio José Rodrigues (Superintendent – HCFMUPO SP)
New Health Digital Technologies: The Pandemic, the Unlocking and the Acceleration
Edgar Gil Rizzati – Executive Chief Medical Officer at Fleury

10:35 a.m. to 11:05 a.m. – International Conference 8 + 9
Moderation: José Luiz Gomes do Amaral and Jefferson Fernandes
Digital Health: Europe and Portugal

Henrique Martins (Associate Professor in Health Management and Leadership at FCS-UBI and ISCTE-IUL)
The virtual and augmented physician
Shafi Ahmed (Professor at Harvard Medical School, USA, and Bart’s Medical School, UK

11:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. – International Conference 10 + 11
Moderation: Antônio Carlos Endrigo and Jefferson Fernandes
Telemedicine: Building Bridges and Disrupting Inequities
Emmanuel Abara – Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Canada
Virtualizing Care Conventions: Digitization of the Hospital and Home Continuum
Karsten Russel-Wood, Philips Health Care, USA

11:55 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. – International Conference 12 + 13
Moderation: José Luiz Gomes do Amaral and Jefferson Fernandes
Never let a good crisis go to waste – Telemedicine in time of the pandemic
Esti Shelly (Director, Digital Health, Ministry of Health Israel)
All in on Telemedicine
Judd Hollander (Thomas Jefferson University)

12:25 p.m. to 02:00 p.m. – Break

02:00 p.m. to 03:00 p.m. – SAÚDE ID: The new way to look at health
Dr. Eduardo Oliveira (CEO at Saúde ID)
Hans Lenk (Strategy and Innovation Director at Fleury Group)

03:05 p.m. to 04:15 p.m. – HUB CONNECT

03:05 p.m. to 03:25 p.m. – The future of Telemedicine and a new concept
Pablo Utrera (CEO at DOC24)

03:05 p.m. to 03:25 p.m. – MEMED – What we should not repeat next pandemic
Vanessa Liebl, Key Account Manager

03:30 p.m. to 03:50 p.m. – TELADOC HEALTH – Virtualizing Care to Transform Brazil’s Healthcare System
Joe DeVivo, President, Hospital and Health Systems at Teladoc Health

03:30 p.m. to 03:50 p.m. – DR.TIS – Telemedicine implementation in primary care: Brazil and England
Minal Bakhai (National Clinical Director for Digital First Primary Care at NHS England; Erno Harzheim, UFRGS and Creator of Telehealth at UFRGS)

03:55 to 04:15 – MEDICINIA – The omnipresent patient and cloud service
Daniel Branco (CEO at Medicina)

03:15 p.m. to 04:15 p.m. – SINAPSE – Telemedicine in Intensive Care and neurocritical patient challenge Dr. Daniel Santos (Technical Director at Sinapse)

8:40 a.m. to 9:05 a.m. – Opening

9:15 a.m. to 9:55 a.m. – International Conference 1 KNS
Moderation: José Luiz Gomes do Amaral (APM)
Global Governance of Digital Health

Bernardo Mariano (director Digital Health and Innovation WHO – Mozambique)

9:55 a.m. to 10:05 a.m. – Break (sponsors videos)

10:05 a.m. to 10:35 a.m. – International Conferences 2 and 3

Moderation: Jefferson Fernandes
Mayo Clinic COVID-19 Pandemic Telemedicine & Digital Response Initiatives
Bart Demaerschalk (Mayo Clinic – USA)

Moderation: Álvaro Atallah
Why digital therapeutics in respiratory and other chronic diseases?
Guilherme Safioti (Teva – Sweden)

10:35 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. – Break (sponsors videos)

10:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. – International Conferences 4 and 5

Moderation: Rogério Rabello
Artificial Intelligence in Cardiology: Latest Developments!

Andreas Keck (SYTE Institute – Germany)

Moderation: Antônio Carlos Endrigo
Merging Digital Health with Face-to-Face Care: There is No Way Back

Micaela Monteiro (José Mello Saúde – PT)

11:15 a.m. to 11:25 a.m. – Break (sponsors videos)

11:25 a.m. to 11:55 a.m. – International Conferences 6 and 7

Moderation: Paulo Pêgo Fernandes
Education: the basis of Digital health” Key Speaker

Frank Lievens (ISfTeH – Belgium)

Moderation: Paulo Pêgo Fernandes
Telemedicine in the Netherlands and the Polder Model: Facts and Friction

Dirk Peek (Zuyderland Medisch Centrum – Heerlen / Netherlands)

11:55 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. – Break (sponsors videos)

12:05 p.m. to 12:35 p.m. – Domestic Conference
Digital Health: An answer for equity
Cláudio Lottemberg

12:05 p.m. to 12:35 p.m. – International Conference
The use of Supportive Artificial Intelligence: Impacts on the real world
Marcelo Felix

12:35 p.m. to 02:00 p.m. – Lunch

02:00 p.m. to 03:00 – Einstein Talks
Moderation: Sidney Klajner

Eduardo Cordioli (Medical Manager of Telemedicine at HIAE)
Peter Antell (Chief Medical Officer at American Well)
Matthew Faiman (Chief Medical Officer at Cleveland Clinic Express)

03:00 p.m. to 03:05 p.m. – Break (sponsors videos)

03:05 p.m. to 03:25 p.m.

Room 1 – Conexa Saude
Telemedicine in the patient new journey
Guilherme Weigert

Room 2 – Dr Tis
Felipe Cabral and Araly Pacios

03:25 p.m. to 03:30 p.m. – Break (sponsors videos)

03:30 p.m. to 04:00 p.m.

Room 1 – SulAmérica
Products for a more sustainable health
Ricardo Soares

Room 2 – KGV LAW
Challenges and opportunities arising from telemedicine current ethical-regulatory scenario

Rubens Granja

04:00 p.m. to 04:05 p.m. – Break (sponsors videos)

04:05 p.m. to 04:25 p.m.

Room 1 – Docway
What I have learned from coronavirus

Fabio Tiepolo

Room 2 – Brasil Telemedicina
Telemedicine during the pandemic

Carlos Eduardo Cassiani Camargo

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – ABTMS
Moderation: Luiz Ary Messina
People education and bioethics for Telehealth: professional cycle ABTMS and Telehealth master’s UERJ
Alexandra Maria Monteiro Grisolia (Doctor and Professor at UERJ and Scientific Director at ABTms – Brazilian Association of Telemedicine)
Logistics telemedicine and medical education
Chao Lung Wen (Associate Professor and Head of Telemedicine Discipline at USP Medical School)
Academic leagues in Telehealth and innovation
Gustavo P. Fraga (Associate Professor of the Surgery Department and Chief Financial Officer at ABTms)
ABTMS activities and future vision
Luiz Ary Messina (National Coordinator of the Telemedicine University Network – RUTE/RNP and Chairman of the Brazilian Association of Telemedicine)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – CBEXS & Interfarma
Coordination: Antônio Carlos Endrigo
Applications and benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Health management
Edgar Rizzatti (Medical Executive Director, Fleury)
“Clinical Trials” at home: future of clinical trial using Telemedicine
Eduardo Cordioli (medical Manager of Telemedicine at HIAE)
Leaderships in Digital Health
Francisco Balestrin (CEO CBEXs)
Profile of the Health executive – Atlas CBEXS
Larissa Eloi (General Manager CBEXs)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Telemedicine and Telehealth Strategies
Moderation: Jihan Zoghbi
Telehealth Strategy for fighting Covid-19 in Chile
Eduardo Valente (Consulting associate at Ernst Young Chile)
National Health data Network: experience and challenges in sharing and disseminating Health data
Frank Pires (General Coordinator of Information and Operation Systems DATASUS)
Interoperability and Telehealth
Jihan Zoghbi (CEO of Dr.Tis)
Telehealth Strategy and fighting Covid-19 in Chile
Luis Lapão (Nova University Lisbon)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – National Panel – The future of Telemedicine and Telehealth in Brazil: view of lawmakers and public managers
Moderation: Adriana Ventura
Charles César Tocantins de Souza (Vice President of CONASEMS and Chairman of COSEMS Pará and Municipal Secretary for Health of Tucuruí, state of Pará)
Jurandi Frutuoso (Executive Secretary, CONASS)
Pedro Westphalen (Federal Deputy)
Soraya Manato (Federal Deputy)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Digital Health
Moderation: Guilherme Rabello
Centered-care and interoperability to create a Health ecosystem in benefit of the patient: a real-life case
Felipe Reis (Executive Manager of Medical Technology and Innovation at BP – A Beneficência Portuguesa of São Paulo)
Why has digital prescription become important in Health ecosystem?
Joel Rennó Jr (CEO Memed)
Robots in Telemedicine, from fiction to reality
Luciano Eifler (CEO ConceptMed)
Digital Health as opportunity to boost care organization
Sabrina Dalbosco Gadenz (Digital Projects Manager, Social Commitment Board, Hospital Sírio-Libanês)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Digital Health: legislations and regulations
Moderation: Renata Rothbarth (Senior Attorney at Mattos Filho)
Telemedicine and LGPD [General Personal Data Protection Act] reflections
Rogéria Cruz (Legal Director, HIAE)
Regulatory aspects in Health Artificial Intelligence
Rony Vainzof (Opice Blum)
Teleconsultation in patient/user perspective
Maria Inês Dolci (President of CONSUMARE, International Organization for Portuguese-Speaking Consumers Associations)
Federal Constitution, professional ethics and use of technology
Teresa Gutierrez (Chairwoman of Sanitary Law Council of OAB/SSP)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Cybernetic Security: permanent threat
Moderation: Luís Kiatake
Alexandre Domingos de Souza (CISO DASA)
Antônio Carlos de Onofre Lira (Regional Chief Medical Officer of Oncology at D’Or – São Paulo)
Lincoln de Assis Moura Jr. (Health Leader, Accenture Brazil)
Luís Kiatake (CEO SBIS)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Telehealth SUS [Unified Health System]
Moderation: Jurandir Marcondes Ribas Filho
Telehealth Goiás – 14 years of experience
Alexandre Taleb (Telemedicine Professor at Medical School of the Federal University of Goiás)
Telecardiology for SUS [Unified Health System]
Antônio Luiz Pinho Ribeiro (Full Professor at the Clinical Medicine Department of the Medical School of UFMG)
Telehealth challenges and solutions in SUS [Unified Health System]
Harley Wagner
The future of specialized consultations regulation: view of TelessaúdeRS, UFRGS
Roberto Umpierre (General Coordinator of TelessaúdeRS Project, UFRGS)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Unimed – Interoperability and Health safety
Moderation: Reinaldo B. Manzini (Superintendent of Strategy, Performance and Technology, Unimed Fesp)
Interoperability of information systems as means of empowerment of individuals
Arnaldo Passafini Neto (Director of Human and Institutional Development, Unimed Fesp)
Facial recognition and audit tools for service
Eliézer Pimentel (CEO at CloudMed and BioDoc)
Interoperability: myths and reality
Francisco Júnior Barroso Bastos (CEO of Unimed Ceará)
Individual Health management platforms
Rodrigo Ravaglio (CIO Unimed Curitiba)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – 5G, AI, IOMT, Remote Monitoring
Moderation: Gustavo Kuster
(CEO NeoMed)
Neurological telemonitoring at Intensive Care Unit: upgrading and perspectives
Daniel Santos (Technical Director & Co-Founder of Sinapse Telemonitorização)
IOMT transforming medical service and care lines
Fernando Paiva (Digital Transformation Executive Director)
5G in Health.
Leonardo Capdeville (CTIO TIM)
How Artificial intelligence can empower screening and integration with electronic medical reports
Rogerio Boros (Director, Health Industry, Microsoft Brazil)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Start-ups 2
Coordination: Fernando Cembranelli
How to successfully implement a value-based care program in Telemedicine? High blood pressure as case of use
Filipe Freitas Pinto (Knockcare)
Disruption in Health: from planning to execution
Guilherme Weigert (CEO at Conexa Saúde)
Digital Health and real-life social impact
Ian Bonde (CEO ViBe)
New technologies for administrative and financial management of clinics and offices
Luciano Corsini (Advisory Board Member, OnlineClinic)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Technologies and data in Digital Health
Moderation: Alexandre Roth

Data security in Digital Health for more intelligent, predictive and integrated care
Fábio Tiepolo (CEO Docway)
Artificial Intelligence and data that contribute to enrich medical service
Fernando Ferrari (DOC24)
Virtual Assistant and OmniChannel
Marcelo Fanganiello (GetConnect)
How electronic medical report serves as structure to merge new Health services
Marcos Sonagli (Chief Medical Officer, Amplimed)

10:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. – International Panel – Artificial Intelligence in Health
Moderation: Niklas Lidströmer (MD, MSc, Specialist Physician – Sweden)
Yonina C. Eldar – PhD (Israel)
Bart M. ter Haar Romeny – PhD (Netherlands)
Eric Herlenius – MD, PhD (Sweden)

10:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. – International Panel – Joint Panel Global Summit & Echalliance – Implementation of Mobile Health in routine care – examples in Latin America and Europe
Moderation: Julien Venne (Board Director at Echalliance and at the Digital Health Society)
Quality assurance for Telemedicine solutions to ensure patient safety
May Chomali (Executive Director of the National Center of Health Information System – CENS – Chile)
M-Health observatory: an interdisciplinary approach for Health mobile technologies
Pablo Pellegrini (Professor at the National University of Quilmes, Buenos Aires – Argentina)
WHO Global Strategy on Digital Health and implementation roadmap
Sameer PUJARI (Global Digital Health Strategy, Governance and Innovation Director, WHO)

10:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. – International Panel – Digital Health Transformation in UK: International Panel: United Kingdom Digital Health transformation: lessons from UK
Moderation: Jefferson G. Fernandes
Designing technology for adoption in Health
Iain O’Neil
Innovation: perspectives from the NHS and the Digital Market
Sultan Mahmud
Keeping users at the heart of transformation
Rachel Murphy
Rapid Digital Health Transformation – the growth of virtual consultations
Pete Beaumont

10:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. – International Panel – Germany
Moderation: Andreas Keck
Digital Health is a game changer for electrical implants
Andreas Keck (SYTE – Germany)
Preventive Medicine – How Digital Health can support
Dietrich Baumgart (Director of Preventicum – Germany)
Digital Health in a university cardiovascular surgery department
Ing. Falko Schmid (Director, Digital Health Lab Düsseldorf, University Hospital Düsseldorf – Germany)
New perspectives on medication adherence through Digital Health
Oliver Bailey (Senior Lead Consultant at Syte – Strategy Institute for Digital Health -Germany)

10:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. – International Panel – USA
Moderation: Rogério Rabelo
Community Tele-Paremedicine: a virtual bridge between acute and chronic care
Brock Daniels
Meridith Sonnett
Virtual care: closing the gap in HealthCare
Ron Emerson (Global Healthcare Lead, Zoom – USA)
Telemedicine and Telehealth accreditation: ensuring quality care for patients worldwide
Shawn Griffin (M.D.; FAAFP, President & CEO URAC – USA)
Tania Elliott (MD., Chief Medical Officer Virtual Care for Ascension – USA)

12:30 p.m. to 02:00 p.m. – Lunch

02:10 p.m. to 02:40 p.m. – Portal Telemedicina Panel – How A.I. allied to Telemedicine has helped save lives and reduce costs
Rafael Figueroa (CEO Portal Telemedicina)

02:10 p.m. to 02:40 p.m. – Tuinda Panel – Technology and Innovation: opportunities and challenges to implement Telemedicine in Health institutions
Daniela Laranja G. Rodrigues (Neurologist at Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz)
Rafaela Wagner (Telehealth Service Coordinator at Hospital Pequeno Príncipe)
Rogerio Carballo Afonso (New Services and Telemedicine Medical Manager at Children’s Hospital Sabará)

02:45 to 03:15 – Midoctor Panel – Telemedicine as strategy for control of patients with chronic illnesses
Carlos Javier Roa Montes de Oca (CEO and Co-Founder of MiDoctor24h)
Mireya Montes de Oca (Chief Medical Officer at MiDoctor24h)

02:45 p.m. to 03:15 p.m. – Namirial Panel – Electronic signature as leverage of digital transformation: criteria and challenges in selection and implementation of an international leading platform. Unimed Rio case
Gianluca Donnini (Country Manager Namirial)
Jorge Cruz (Operations coordinator at Unimed Rio)

03:20 p.m. to 03:50 p.m. – TV Doutor Panel – Real cases: hospitals and clinics are leveraging results through internal communication digitization
Ricardo Sonati (Founder & CEO at TV Doutor)

03:20 p.m. to 03:50 p.m. – Brasil Telemedicina Panel – Telemedicine beyond physicians and patients
Carlos Camargo

03:55 p.m. to 04:55 p.m. – Connections for (4) Innovations – Pitch Startups
Doutor Ao Vivo – Telemedicine platform and numbers
Mauren Ginaldo Souza (CEO at Doutor Ao Vivo)
Filóo Saúde – Health and Social Impact
Rubem Ariano (Founder and CEO at Filóo)
Philo.Care – Health in an anxious world
Douglas Betioli (CEO Philo.Care)
WSI – How to take advantage of internet potential, beyond social media?
Marco Marmo (CEO da WSI)

03:55 p.m. to 04:55 p.m. – Connections for (4) Innovations – Pitch Startups
Carlos Pappini
Why do we exist? – How has Doc4Doc found its place in Health chain through Golden Circle?
Jimmy Ali Saadallah Ayoub
Sleep Up – Digital therapy for insomnia
Renata Redondo (CEO SleepUp)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Abramed and Anahp
Moderation: Evandro Garcia (Lifemed)
Challenges and opportunities in Telecardiology
Augusto Uchida (Coordinator of Cardiology and Telemedicine Chief Medical Officer, Hermes Pardini Group – ABRAMED)
Telehealth Benefits and Challenges in Diagnostic Medicine
Carlos Figueiredo (Business and Operations Superintendent HCor – ABRAMED)
Telemedicine practice in post-pandemic world
Eduardo Cordioli (Medical Manager of Telemedicine; at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein – ANAHP)
Medicine in post-pandemic and digitalized world: are our professionals ready?
Felipe Cabral (Digital Health Medical Coordinator, Hospital Moinhos de Vento – ANAHP)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Professionals Councils
Moderation: Maria Rita de Souza Mesquita (APM)
Donizetti Giamberardino Filho (1st Vice President of the Federal Council of Medicine)
Laura Ferraz dos Santos (member of the Federal Council of Nursing)
Luiz Gustavo de Freitas Pires (Federal Pharmacy Council)
Rodrigo Acioli (Federal Psychology Council)
Sílvia Tavares de Oliveira (Chairman of the Federal Speech Therapy Council)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Fenasaúde and Unidas
Moderation: José Luiz Toro da Silva
Innovation challenges in Corporate Health in Brazil
Anderson Mendes (Unidas CEO)
Telemedicine experience in Health plan – Case Cassi
Castro Jr. (CEO of Cassi)
Pandemic impacts on Supplementary Health sector
João Alceu Amoroso Lima (CEO of Fenasaúde)
Proposals to bring more Health to more Brazilians
Vera Valente (CEO, Fenasaúde)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – ABSS & ABINC
Moderation: Ihvi Maria Aidukaitis (CEO ABSS)
Post-pandemic: what is innovation HUBS future in Health
Cristiano Teodoro Russo (Ambassador at ABSS)
The role of start-ups in Health innovation
Ihvi Maria Aidukaitis (CEO ABSS)
How IOT can contribute to Health field
Paulo Spaccaquerche (CEO of ABINC)
Transforming Digital Health with IOT and Artificial intelligence
Dalton Oliveira (General Consultant in Digital Transformation, Wardston Consulting Advisor at ABINC – Brazilian Association of Internet of Things)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Inovahc & Rute
Coordination: Ivisen Lourenço
Human-centered Artificial intelligence – responsible adoption factors
Bruno Kunzler (Manager of In.lab, InovaHC’s artificial intelligence laboratory – HCFMUSP)
Building and disseminating knowledge on Health collaboration network
Luiz Ary Messina (National Coordinator of the Telemedicine University Network – RUTE, RNP)
Analysis of the impact of the use of I.A. on Covid-19 pandemic: successes and challenges
Marcelo de Maria Felix (Leading Physician of the data intelligence initiative of HCFMUSP and INOVAHC complex)
Digital Health technological prospection for Health research and education community
Paulo Roberto de Lima Lopes (Coordination of Health Communities Collaboration Networks, Telemedicine University Network – RUTE

09:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. – Domestic Panel – APM – Innovative Physicians
Moderation: Antônio Carlos Endrigo
Entrepreneurship challenges in HealthTech
Antônio Carlos Endrigo (Entrepreneurship activist)
Who takes care of company health?
Bruno Morato (Nes Medical Model)
Physicians impact on social media
Flávia Ju (Surgeon, Blogger)
Every doctor should be a Youtuber
Júlio Pereira (Neurosurgeon, Youtuber)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Start-ups 1
Moderation: Fernando Cembranelli
Telehealth and practicing transformation for access to Health
Adriana Mallet (CEO SAS)
The next wave of innovation in Health: evolution of platforms
Ana Claudia Pinto (Chief Medical Officer at Saúde ID, company part of Fleury Group)
Path to innovation: Digital Health creating vital sign and Telemedicine making it accessible
Plinio Targa (CEO Brain4Care)
The physician in Digital Health ecosystem
Renata Zobaran (Director of Telemedicine & Digital Health at TopMed)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Health Operators 2
Moderation: Maurício Lopes (Vice-President at D’Or Chain)
Digital Health transformation: advancements, lessons learned and next steps
Fernando José Pedro (Executive Director of Value in Health Management, Amil-UHG)
Technological advancements in pandemic and transformation in Health management
Thais Jorge de Oliveira e Silva (Director of Services to the Insured and Medical Management, Bradesco Saúde)
Telemedicine: from pandemic contingency to the future of connected Health
Marcos Loreto (Medical Technical Director at Omint Serviços de Saúde)
Medicine of the future, today
Pedro B. Batista Junior

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Telemedicine, Telehealth and universities
Coordination: Clóvis Constantino
Telemedicine advancements in pandemic times
Carlos Carvalho (Full Professor of Pneumology Discipline at FMUSP and Coordinator of TELEUTI at InCor)
Training courses in integrated Telemedicine and Telehealth for undergraduate and postgraduate
Chao Wen, Associate Professor and Head of Telemedicine Discipline at USP Medical School
Telehealth in Amazônia
Cleinaldo Costa (Dean of the State University of Amazonas)
Challenges in developing, training and certifying professionals in Digital Health and Telehealth in Brazil
Renato Sabbatini (Professor and researcher of Medical Schools of USP, UNICAMP, Bahia School of Medicine, IBCMED and PUC-PR)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Teleradiology: lessons learned
Moderation: Ademar Paes Junior (Chairman of Santa Catarina Association of Medicine and Radiologist at Clínica Imagem – Hospital Care)
Teleradiology background
Alexandra Monteiro (Professor at UERJ and Scientific Director at ABTMS – Brazilian Association of Telemedicine)
New innovation frontiers
Fabio Mattoso (Director at ALLIAR – iDR Group)
Technology enabling a new reality
Felipe Clemente (CEO Pixeon)
Entrepreneurship challenges in Teleradiology
Felipe Niremberg, Business Director and Partner TeleLaudo

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Mental telehealth
Coordination: Elson Asevedo (Technical Director at CAISM/UNIFESP/SPDM)
Telepsi: brief psychological and psychiatric interventions
Carolina Blaya Dreher (Deputy Professor of Psychiatry at UFRGS)
Do feelings transcend distance barriers? The future of Telemedicine in psychiatry
Elson Asevedo (Technical Director at CAISM/UNIFESP/SPDM)
Telepsychology: new perspectives in mental health
Milene Rosenthal (Co-founder Telavita)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic Panel – Pharmaceutical Industry
Moderation: Carlos Pappini Jr. CEO and Co-founder of Conecta Médico S/A)
New digital paradigms in Health – new mindsets and great opportunities!
Cláudio Terra (Director Mr. Business Transformation LATAM, Pfizer)
Digital revolution in surgical patient care: improving outcomes and extending access through digitization and digital transformation
Fábricio Campolina Branco (Healthcare Transformation Officer, Johnson & Johnson Medical Latam)
How Artificial intelligence can drive diagnosis and treatment of diseases
Marina Santorso Belhaus (Executive Chief Medical Officer, Astra-Zeneca)
Digital transformation in Pharmaceutical Industry
Renato Carvalho (CEO of Novartis Brazil)

10:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. – International Panel – Joint International Panel Global Summith & ISFTEH
Moderation: Frank Lievens (Brussels – Belgium)
Digital Health: building blocks
Rajendra Pratap Gupta (India)
Sustaining Digital Health momentum in the US
Michele Y. Griffith (MD, USA)
Education of Telemedicine for students and doctors: 20-years of experience and perspectives
Valeriy Stolyar (MD, Russia)
Accelerating innovation for women’s health and maternal health
Véronique Ines THOUVENOT (France)

10:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. – International Panel – What Space Telemedicine can teach to Earth Physicians
Moderation: Thais Russomano (Co-founder & CEO Innovaspace – United Kingdom)
The development of Telemedicina on Earth based on space technology
Gustavo Dalmarco
Space technology & Health Care on Earth
Krishnan Ganapathy
Future ultrasound systems in space – suitable for Health Careon Earth?
Markus Lindlar (Germany)
Knowledge transfer from Space Medicine to global Health on Earth
Thais Russomano

10:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. – International Panel – Portugal – European Digital Health example
Moderation: Micaela Monteiro (Portugal)
Innovation and entrepreneurship in Digital Health: from Portugal to the world
André Eiras dos Santos (MSc, MBA Founding team of SWORD Health and VP of Strategic Business Development)
Digital Health as an opportunity to create a new value relationship with the customer
André Rufino (Director for the Healthcare Ecosystem at Ageas Portugal)
Europe Union: the path to a single, digital Healthcare market
Henrique Martins (MD, PhD, MLaw, FIAHSI)
Lead a “classic” Healthcare provider into the digital Healthcare era: mission impossible?
Paula Brito Silva (CEO, CUF Digital)

10:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. – International Panel – Israel: Digital Health Nation
Moderation: Eduardo Cordioli
Israel incubator model
Dan Shwarzman (CEO, MindUP, Digital Health incubator)
All for one and one for all
Roy Kol (Head of Digital projects in Health Support, Division of Government Hospitals, Ministry of Health)
A new approach to improve management and adhesion of chronic patients
Shiri Hassid (Octopus, Product Manager at Octopu.Health)
The future of Health service is already a reality at Start-up Nation
Yossi Bahagon (Chairman of the Board of Directors at Sweetch – Israel)

12:30 p.m. to 02:00 p.m. – Lunch

02:10 p.m. to 02:40 p.m. – Nilo Saúde Panel – how to generate value in relationship-based care
Isadora Kimura (Founder, CPO and Head of Nilo Saúde Partnerships)
Luciano Nader (Chief Medical Officer – Nilo Saúde)
Paulo Schor (Coordinator of Field – Research and Innovation, FAPESP)

02:10 p.m. to 02:40 p.m. – Diagnóstica Panel – Technology and innovation: intelligent offices for a more connected and accessible Health
Fernando Ferrari (Director-geral Doc24)

02:10 p.m. to 02:40 p.m. – Memed Panel – 5 reasons to adopt digital prescription
Fábio Tabalipa, Head of Clinical Intelligences at Memed

02:45 p.m. to 03:35 p.m. – Beneficência Portuguesa Panel – Digital transformation of medical care to patient
Alexandre Nascimento (Serial and visionary entrepreneur)
Felipe Reis (Rheumatology and Master in Health Technologies and Care from UNIFESP)

03:40 p.m. to 04:10 p.m. – Online Clinic Panel – Cybersecurity in Health
Luciano Corsini (Member of the Advisory Board, Online Clinic)
Paulo de Tarso (DPO Online Clinic)
Valdir Estácio (CPO Ecommit and Online Clinic)
Fábio Marques (CISO Ecommit and Online Clinic)

03:40 p.m. to 04:10 p.m. – Knok Care Panel – The power of technology to generate savings and better Health outcomes
José Bastos (CEO Knok Care)

04:15 p.m. to 04:45 p.m. – Conexa Panel – Application of Technologies in care journey
Guilherme Weigert (CEO at Conexa Saúde)

04:15 p.m. to 04:45 p.m. Teladoc Panel – The future of Telepsychology: innovations and challenges in online mental health
Patricia Ramos Branco (Mental Health Manager)