11:30 a.m. to 06:30 p.m. – Accreditation
02:00 p.m. to 06:30 p.m. – Pre-courses
Health Thinking: Transforming Health field through Exponential Technologies – Dynamics for positive agenda in Health field
Coordination: Prof. Wagner Sanchez (director of Undergraduate Studies at Fiap and coordinator at MBA Healthtech) and Prof. John Lima (coordinator of Undergraduate Studies and MBA Healthtech)
Topics covered:
How digital disruption is intrinsically tied to the future of Health market and impacts on Economy and society.
Distinguish value chain from this segment and how it has been quickly transformed in the last years and technological barriers that are always disrupting the value chain.
Discuss by means of Design Thinking dynamics what really matters in all that context, what makes more sense for business, careers, governments and population, keeping an eye on blockchain, IoT, big data, virtual and augmented reality, wearables, artificial intelligence, among other fronts.
Education in responsible, efficient and sustainable Telemedicine
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Chao Lung Wen (associate professor and head of Telemedicine Discipline at USP Medical School)
Topics covered:
Telehealth organization and benefits and Ocean Unit in Amazônia Telemedicine hub
Prof. Dr. Cleinaldo Costa (Dean of UEA)
Relevant aspects in Telemedicine services organization (functional, contingencies, quality control)
Prof. Dr. Raymundo Soares de Azevedo Neto (associate professor at the University of São Paulo)
Academic Telemedicine Organization within Health operator
Dr. Marcos Loreto (medical Technical director at Omint Serviços de Saúde)
Innovation in Telemedicine service in Ophthalmology
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Chater Taleb (coordinator of NUTTs – Telemedicine and Telehealth Center of the Medical School of the Federal University of Goiás)
Implementing Interoperability in Health Information systems: Health Level Seven (Hl7) standards
Speakers: Dr. Renato M. E. Sabbatini (vice-president and director of Work Group of Education and Training Course, Hl7 Institute Brazil) and Dr. Marivan S. Abrahão (president and director of Work Group of Terminologies, Hl7 Institute Brazil – Hl7 International affiliate)
Topics covered:
Introduction to Interoperability between Electronic Health Registration systems (S-RES). Organizations developing standards.
Standard-based interoperability: an overview and current status in Brazil and worldwide.
Terminology standards: CID 10 and 11, CIAP, NANDA, CIPE, LOINC, TUSS, SNOMED CT, MeSH. The government CENTERMS project (National Center for Health Terminologies).
Data exchange standards: HL7 V2.x, V3, FHIR and CDA. Other standards.
Semantic and S-RES architecture standards. Functional standards HL7, ISO 13606 and openEHR. Information security standards (ISO 27001, 27799, etc.).
How to implement, harmonization of standard . Special cases, such as telehealth. Interoperability certification.
The future of health information standards.
Telemedicine and Digital Health Innovation
Coordination: Dr. Sidney Klajner (president of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein) and Dr. Eduardo Cordioli (medical manager of Telemedicine at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein)
Topics covered:
The virtual Physician: Development of skills required for the new era of Medicine
Developing Skills – Dr. Carlos Pedrotti (reference physician of the Telemedicine Center at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein)
Spreading knowledge – Prof. Dr. Ana Estela Haddad (Full Professor of the orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry Division of the School of Dentistry of USP)
Discussion/Debater: Dr. Eliezer Silva (director of diagnostic and ambulatory medicine at HIAE)
Real-Life Examples of Artificial Intelligence and Health
Teledermatology – Dr. André Pires dos Santos TeleICU– Dr. Danilo Noritomi
Teleradiology – Dr. Marcelo Felix
Discussion/Debater: Dr. Henrique Neves (CEO of HIAE)
Real-Life Examples of Big Data and Analytics in Health
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein cases – Prof. Dr. Edson Amaro
Discussion/Debater: Dr. Sidney Klajner