October 14, 2020

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Domestic panels

Panel 1– The Telemedicine, how to improve the life of patients and how to bring them to Hospitals from Public Sector minimizing current costs
Moderation: Paulo Henrique Fraccaro
(superintendent at ABIMO)
Continuous Care: Medicine vision that monitors the patient during treatment and outside hospital
Jarmo Järvenpää (CEO ISTOC)
Tele ICU: Brazil has only about 10% of its municipalities with ICU beds. What we can do to extend coverage
Marco Stefanini (CEO Global Stefanini)
IOMT: How the Medicine of Medical Things can lower the costs for managing patient treatment and monitoring
João Galdino (CEO and Co-Founder of Genesis)

Panel 2 – Domestic and International strategies for investments in Health & Digital Health: challenges and opportunities in the view of investors
Moderation: Rogério Rabelo (CEO at Dalben)
Softbank strategy for investments in Brazil/Latin America and international investments in Health
Felipe Rodrigues Affonso (Director at Softbank Group International)
Velt Partners strategy for domestic investments in Health
Felipe Nobre (Investment Associate at Velt Partners)
Canada government strategy for Investments in Innovation and Digital Health
Marie-Hélène Béland (Canada Deputy Consul and Trade Commissioner)

Panel 3 – How can digital health benefit patient care management?
Moderation: Edson Amaro Jr. (Big Data Analytics Hospital Israelista Albert Einstein)
Technology Impact on Financial Management of the Health System
Henrique Nixon (General Coordination of Information and Operation Systems at CGSIO)
The challenge of transforming data into quality information, keeping patient security and privacy
Edson Amaro Jr (Big Data Analytics HIAE)
How can “Digital Health” Help the Government?
Gustavo Maia (co-founder of Colab)
Regulation x Remote Medicine x Patient Care
Silvio Valente (professor at USP)

Panel 4 – Telemedicine & Digital Health: Experience and View of Health Operators
Moderation: José Luiz Toro Silva (Unidas)
Telemedicine as LOGISTICS Tool for Access and Care in Pandemic Times
Marcos Loreto (Technical Chief Medical Officer at OMINT)
Telemedicine: Major Challenges in Implementation and Expansion
Fernando Pedro (Technical Director at AMIL)
Connected Medicine SulAmerica: How Telemedicine Expands Access, Enables Health Management and ensures Customer Satisfaction
Viviane Mathias (Product Manager Sulamérica)
How Can Telemedicine Help Verticalized Operators Save Lives in Pandemic?
José Luciano Monteiro Cunha (Corporate Officer of Telemedicine at Hapvida)

Panel 5 – Interoperability Challenges and Achievements – Talk Show
Moderation: Antônio Carlos Endrigo

Paulo Salomão (CEO and Founder of DTO)
Fresley Aguilar (Head of Corporate Information Intelligence at Unimed, National Center)

Panel 6 – Digital Innovation in Health: Challenges and Opportunities
Moderation: José Luiz Gomes do Amaral
Innovation in Covid fighting – Einstein Experience
Sidney Klajner (President HIAE SP)
Digital Platforms for Alternative Funding in Science
Antônio José Rodrigues (Superintendent – HCFMUPO SP)
New Health Digital Technologies: The Pandemic, the Unlocking and the Acceleration
Edgar Gil Rizzati – Executive Chief Medical Officer at Fleury

10:35 a.m. to 11:05 a.m. – International Conference 8 + 9
Moderation: José Luiz Gomes do Amaral and Jefferson Fernandes
Digital Health: Europe and Portugal

Henrique Martins (Associate Professor in Health Management and Leadership at FCS-UBI and ISCTE-IUL)
The virtual and augmented physician
Shafi Ahmed (Professor at Harvard Medical School, USA, and Bart’s Medical School, UK

11:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. – International Conference 10 + 11
Moderation: Antônio Carlos Endrigo and Jefferson Fernandes
Telemedicine: Building Bridges and Disrupting Inequities
Emmanuel Abara – Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Canada
Virtualizing Care Conventions: Digitization of the Hospital and Home Continuum
Karsten Russel-Wood, Philips Health Care, USA

11:55 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. – International Conference 12 + 13
Moderation: José Luiz Gomes do Amaral and Jefferson Fernandes
Never let a good crisis go to waste – Telemedicine in time of the pandemic
Esti Shelly (Director, Digital Health, Ministry of Health Israel)
All in on Telemedicine
Judd Hollander (Thomas Jefferson University)

12:25 p.m. to 02:00 p.m. – Break

02:00 p.m. to 03:00 p.m. – SAÚDE ID: The new way to look at health
Dr. Eduardo Oliveira (CEO at Saúde ID)
Hans Lenk (Strategy and Innovation Director at Fleury Group)

03:05 p.m. to 04:15 p.m. – HUB CONNECT

03:05 p.m. to 03:25 p.m. – The future of Telemedicine and a new concept
Pablo Utrera (CEO at DOC24)

03:05 p.m. to 03:25 p.m. – MEMED – What we should not repeat next pandemic
Vanessa Liebl, Key Account Manager

03:30 p.m. to 03:50 p.m. – TELADOC HEALTH – Virtualizing Care to Transform Brazil’s Healthcare System
Joe DeVivo, President, Hospital and Health Systems at Teladoc Health

03:30 p.m. to 03:50 p.m. – DR.TIS – Telemedicine implementation in primary care: Brazil and England
Minal Bakhai (National Clinical Director for Digital First Primary Care at NHS England; Erno Harzheim, UFRGS and Creator of Telehealth at UFRGS)

03:55 to 04:15 – MEDICINIA – The omnipresent patient and cloud service
Daniel Branco (CEO at Medicina)

03:15 p.m. to 04:15 p.m. – SINAPSE – Telemedicine in Intensive Care and neurocritical patient challenge Dr. Daniel Santos (Technical Director at Sinapse)
